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Terp Engineers

Curd Incubation Chamber

Blast Chilling & Storage

Curd needs to be refrigerated, if not, it will cause digestive diseases because of the growth of bacteria from food that is not stored in the proper conditions. Curd must be stored in the refrigerator at 4 ° C or below. If stored properly, the shelf life of yogurt is as stated on the packaging. Standard Incubation time is approx. 4 hours but it will depend upon the packing type and loading temperature of curd with a condition that the chamber temperature should be 45° C before loading. Standard cooling time is approx. 5 hours but it will depend upon the packing type and loading temperature of curd with a condition that timing will be considered after getting chamber temperature as 2° C.

Benefits : 

1) Stage No.4 and 5 in above method is most important. 
2) We offer your exact solution for stage No. 4 and 5 and of couse for stage No.6 also. 
3) We offers you Incubation room with hot unit (as shown in photograph above) which can maintain 42°C with 1°C deviation for stage No.4. 
4) For stage No.5 our Blast Chiller is useful to chill the culture upto 20°Cwithin 1 hour 
5) At last, for stage No.6 you can use our regular cold room. If you will prepare curd according to above procedure, you will get curd with same test & quality in every season which can maintain its quality for long time and you can prepare delicious Indian Items like Lassi, Raita, Shrikhand, Kari etc. which will have best quality.

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