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Terp Engineers

Banana Rippening Chamber

Ripening chambers maintain controlled environment helps in getting the right color for the banana. Ethylene ripened fruits can develop natural flavor as all the natural biological processes take place similar to the way it happens when the fruit ripens in the plant.

Banana ripening chambers are engineered to stimulate natures ripening process by temperature control, exposure to uniform & controlled PPM of Ethylene gas, venting of CO2 gas and reducing total ripening process to 4-6 days for best quality.


Solid Green, It has 100% deep green, no yellowing. You don’t see them as often as the other stages as a consumer. It’s great cooking banana. It is really tough for the consumer to ripen correctly from this stage & is more for either cooking or arrival from overseas to a ripening facility to begin the ripening process.

It is light green with some yellowing, anywhere from 75-80% green. This is where the color changes as ripening begin in the warehouse.

STAGE 3 – 50/50 Equally Green & Yellow
This is a firm banana with the starches turning into sugar. It is ideal for shipping into retail settings. This is more of a storage banana typically at room temperature in your storage, this would break & turn in about 2 days.

It is more yellow than green & is ideal for display.  It is one of our most popular stage for sold. It is the greatest product life & lowest chance for loss.

STAGE 5 – Green Tip Banana
Most happening stage of sale in our plant. The colour yellow & tips are light green. This is one day out, so you would receive them today & they would be perfectly ripe & ready to eat.

STAGE 6 – Perfectly RIPE Banana
It is all yellow & the fruit is firm with good flavor & has very little green on stem. Ready to eat ripped banana.

STAGE 7 – FULLY RIPE with Brown Spotting
They are the peak of flavour & ripeness for eating & baking. They have maximum nutritional value & fully mature. The brown spots show sugar spotting & indicates fully ripped. They are soft so treat carefully.

The major components of ripening chambers are:

(a) Ethylene generators & CO2 & Ethylene analyzers to monitor levels of gas in the room
(b) Puff insulated chambers & Insulated doors
(c) Refrigeration system with higher airflow evaporator
(d) Control panel & Humidifiers
(e) Crate for stacking (Optional)



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